Creating art for me is a process guided by several key principles. Firstly, art can take many forms and be expressed through various mediums, such as objects, sound, emotions, or thoughts. This allows for a wide range of possibilities. Secondly, I believe in the ability to bring my ideas to life, no matter how unconventional they may be. I often draw inspiration from my surroundings and take note of ideas that come to me, which can include product designs, furniture, handbags, and art. Recently, I have been focusing more on creating art, as my list of art-related ideas has grown.

I also believe that art is always kinetic, even something as seemingly static as a painting or sculpture is experienced as a sequence of events through time and can affect our future perceptions. Ambiguity also plays an important role in my work, as it allows for multiple interpretations. Lastly, I take inspiration from a fellow artist who said that art should always be created with the thought that no one else will ever see it. This approach ensures that the art is true to one's own vision and thoughts, rather than being influenced by external considerations such as audience or marketability.

Art distills complexity and conveys ideas and meaning through the economy of form